Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Winter reader

Originally on Ebenezer Stories, 12/5/2006

Joel has taken to reading in one of the blue Adirondack chairs in the front garden. Behind the boulders, on a bed of fallen oak leaves sit the two sturdy chairs, painted bright blue on a whim a couple of summers ago. At this time of year, they are the brightest thing going in the garden - besides Joel, that is. The sun streams down on them through the last straggling oak leaves and my winter reader has found them a particularly pleasant place to go for a good read.

Notice the bare feet...I think this boy belongs back in the 19th century on a farm or somewhere in Africa. He is not a shoe loving person. I guess the hat and hoodie make up for the loss in body heat through the feet! Tasha Tudor would understand.

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